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Success Stories


At my lowest place and my highest weight of 204 lbs., I knew I had to make a change. Yet, who knew that accepting help from Cory Wilson in 2012 and allowing him to train and teach me how to live a healthy lifestyle would transform my mind and body to such a wonderful place.

No fads, no pills, no gimmicks... just hard work, dedication, and his "No Excuses" motto helped me reach my goal of a healthy 135 lbs. 

I appreciate that Cory is very knowledgeable of my health and nutritional needs, he designed my workouts for my specific fitness goals, made sure to teach proper form, provided mental and spiritual support, and the encouragement that I needed to be successful. 

I am forever thankful and grateful to be a part of the Fitness by Cory family. 

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Fitness by Cory hasn’t just changed my body. My whole lifestyle and outlook on life has changed. It’s not about getting skinny or losing weight, it’s about being the best version of yourself every day. I wake up with determination to be better, to push, and to motivate others. Fitness by Cory is more than a gym…it’s a family.



I have always admired people who work out on a daily basis. It was always something that I tried to do numerous times but always came up with excuses and never had the discipline needed. When I got engaged, I knew I wanted to look good in my wedding dress and sitting on the beach on the honeymoon. I knew I wouldn’t get that way without help. Fitness By Cory has been on of the biggest challenges yet blessing I have experienced throughout the past couple of months. I have been challenged and encouraged which is exactly what I needed. On top of finding the discipline, the community this place has built is unbelievable. I’m so glad to have invested in this fitness journey.


Fitness By Cory (FBC) has been the best investment I could make in myself.  I have gotten stronger, more toned and my mind and body feel better overall.  The support we are given on a daily basis has help to build my self-esteem and feel confident in meeting my fitness goals.  I appreciate the fitness assessments that are done on a regular basis to track my progress. Since May 2021, I have lost 43 pounds and counting.  FBC is different than other places I have tried because it feels like home to me. I get encouragement and care during the ups and downs of this journey. The support I get at FBC has helped me to realize that this is a lifestyle change – not a quick fix.  My workout and nutrition changes will now remain habits for the rest of my life. I no longer beat myself up if I have a bad eating day, I just get up the next day and know that I have a plan, exercise and eat better. Cory has been amazing to work with. He holds us accountable, provides unlimited support, is very knowledgeable of the latest fitness trends, professional, and caters workouts to help you meet all your individual fitness goals.  FBC is worth the health investment and time.  I am so glad I am a part of this fitness family.


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I started Fitness by Cory in 2019 after 10 years of living unhealthy and unhappy. I immediately knew it was one of the best decisions I could have made- physically and mentally. I began participating in both group classes and personal training to ensure I was meeting my goals. The support from the members in the group training was essential in keeping me engaged and motivated. Cory’s extensive knowledge in wellness, health, and fitness has changed my life. In such a short time, I have transformed in all areas- not only weight loss, but I have been more active in the community, I have more energy to play with my children, I sleep better, and the list could continue, and it is mainly due to my decision to join Fitness by Cory. The old saying is true, if I knew then what I know now, I would have joined and taken control of my life long before I did. I am so thankful for my fitness family and FBC. 


I joined Fitness by Cory (FBC) in November 2019. By joining FBC I’ve learned to take my fitness and mental capacity to another level and by doing this I’ve lost a total of 64lbs and kept it off over a year and a half. My trainer pushes me to better myself physically and mentally that carries over into my personal life. I am so thankful for my trainer and FBC family because, we cry, laugh, and get our fitness in… TOTAL WELLNESS!

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I started this journey in 2012.  I can remember walking into Cory’s place unfit and needing a change.  This hasn’t been easy but it’s been my journey.  That’s the key is its your journey.  Fitness By Cory isn’t your average gym.  You gain accountability, assurance, confidence you didn’t have and a coach who won’t allow you to settle.  Working out has become therapeutic for me.  Over the years, I have learned to take my journey one day at a time, one workout at a time, and to give it my all at each workout.  As time passes by, you realize not only is your body changing, but your mental is changing as well.  At Fitness By Cory, our motto is “No Excuses, Only Results”.




I started training at Fitness By Cory in September of 2016.  My initial purpose was to make the necessary changes that would allow me to stop taking blood pressure medication.  I didn’t have any magic numbers in mind for the scale or for my clothes.  I wanted to improve my overall health.  I joined Boot Camp and took part in HITT Classes which are always challenging but rewarding.  I became addicted to the process and the results.  I have not taken medication for Hypertension in four years and I’ve lost weight.  In July 2021, I added Personal Training.  My entire life blossomed!  I have absolutely fell in love with weight training.  I have seen results much quicker than with Boot Camp alone.  I’m losing inches, my strength is increasing, and my confidence has exploded! Over the last five years, I have learned so much about fitness, nutrition, and overall wellness!  Much more than that; I have grown as an individual.  There is a wellness component that was recently added.  Several aspects of life are addressed to enhance an individual holistically.  This has been a complete game changer!  At times we overlook many factors that contribute to improving our quality of life.  Wellness Coaching has helped me to be able to sustain an inclusive healthy lifestyle.  There is so much more to Fitness by Cory than push-ups and jumping jacks!  I encourage anyone to give it a try, be consistent and you’ll soon relish in positive outcomes.

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There are so many wonderful things I can say about my experience with Fitness By Cory.  I was looking for a place to get in shape so that I can keep up with my kids, but in return got that and also gained a new family.  We build each other up both physically and mentally, and cheer each other on.  If I start missing to many workouts, I can count on Cory to check in with me and make sure I meeting my wellness goals.  I believe that not only has FBC changed the lives of its members, but has impacted the community as a whole.  I am in the best shape I have been in years.  On days when I don’t feel like giving it my all, I can always count on my trainer and family to give me just the encouragement I need to get through the tough days.  Each day life with throw you challenges, but with the support I get at FBC, I know that I can handle it! No Excuses!


My time at Fitness by Cory has been a life changing experience for me. Cory really pushes his clients to be the best they can be. A fitness journey can also be an emotional one and he motivated me to use that emotion to fuel my workouts and give my all. You will really feel and see the difference here at Fitness by Cory. There were times where my schedule wouldn’t allow me to travel to the gym, but with his flexibility (virtual options available), I was still able to get the same help no matter how far! You can tell Cory truly loves what he does and he treats his clients like family!

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Joining Fitness by Cory has been the best decision of my life. I have always been into fitness, but food was my problem. I had an unhealthy relationship with it. Since joining FBC, I not only have learned to workout correctly but I have been learning to eat correctly as well. I feel better, I am more confident and as a mother of 4 I have more energy to be the best mama that I can be. I am so grateful for Cory and his dedication to fitness. This is not just a gym studio, it’s a lifestyle.



In August 2020, I joined Fitness by Cory and my journey wasn’t easy at first, but with me observing the dedications of others in the class and how consistent Cory was towards helping me to reach my goals encouraged me to push harder.  I continued to come to class to get my workout in so that I could get better with the workouts.  Somedays I got weary, but I had to push myself and say, “Lori go if you gotta go by yourself” and I have been doing it every since.  In September 2021, I started personal training and I have to be honest…..I fell in love with it because it has tremendously helped me on my journey and I feel like a new woman.  I rest better at night and have lots of energy throughout the day.  Cory is and has been a great trainer, motivator, teacher, inspiration to me on this fitness journey and I would encourage anyone that if you stick with it and be very consistent you will see results and always remember “No Excuses, Only Results” and your health is your wealth.


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